Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mary's Premonition

Friends, hold on, because you are never going to believe this. Like the Hemingway Complex, you probably assumed that New Country Road, site of Mary's long ride through the countryside, labelled by Toby as "a good place to think", and the scene of Chester's . . . whatever befell Chester, was a figment of the limitless imagination of Giella and Moy. I mean, that's what makes sense.

But tonight, as Hemingway Complex watched Premonition, we recieved the shock of our life. Because there in the fiery climax, which even if you just saw the previews you will recall as the scene in which a semi blindsides a car as it explodes and Sandra Bullock is running down the rural highway toward it screaming and you are holding your breath thinking holy crap - there in the background is a street with a sign labelling it New Country Road.

I know! I know! We are beside ourselves! Because this means that all that time, Mary was bicycling through the world of the collective imagination, and that at any moment she could've collided with a tanker truck which for all we know was also in the imagination of the imagined character of Sandra Bullock. AND that that's what happened to Chester! He was injured in a Hollywood stunt! Chester was a casualty of Premonition.

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