1. Vera wants some closure.
2. Vera's giving him a booty call.
3. Vera is knocked up.
4. Dr. Drew Corey has something of Vera's, like a figurine or a piece of lingerie (or the Mary Worth universe equivalent, which would probably be riding boots or a down parka) that she wants back but doesn't want it sent through the mail.
Dr. Drew is thinking:
1. Vera wants me back!!!
2. If we go on another date, I can wear my marlinspike shirt!!!
3. Vera loves me, she love love loves me!!!!!
4. I'll take her out for a drink at the Bum Boat!!!!
5. Awesome!!!!!!!!
It's a bit startling that that first panel is so crowded with people, none of whose actions are very clear. I'm digging this whole sequence in the dog park, though. Apparently it is a place where you can weave in and out of wooded areas from second to second, and it's normal to walk next to, rather than on, the paved path. Large buildings suddenly loom up in the background, and strangers get really close to you and make odd excited gestures. Just the kind of place where Drew would go jogging in jeans and hope for some Vera action!
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