Sure, she's speaking in parable, but that's what Mary does. Third-party passive aggression only. And, as we were taught in our Puritan Sunday-School classes, if you brag about your charity, is it really charity? Sorry, Mary, but God says you disqualified your own questionably kind act by talking about it nonstop since early October. Take it from someone who spoke Aramaic and was literate 2,000 years ago (not us, the Bible): Don't let your left hand know what your right is doing! Surely a homeboy of your caliber knows that. Anyway, now we know what is worrying the good widow so.
And Toby's totally backpedalling. She's like, "Sorry, Mary! I just meant . . . maybe if you bring the dog back you can collect a reward. You are so full of heart! And charity!" But really inside she's like "Oh, crap."
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