Sometimes there's so much i want to say about Mary Worth that I don't even know where to start. Sunday's Mary Worth was just one of those times. I can't begin to do it justice, so I'll start with a fashion commentary. On Thanksgiving, the Hemingway Complex was grateful for Mary's sweet outfits. I mean, the bike outfit/helmet-newsboy cap, fancy blouse on the week/day that she went to pick up Chester, and old lady outfit when putting up fliers. But then, like life, Mary Worth confounds us once again.
On Sunday, she puts on the same outfit that she was wearing for a whole week just the day before yesterday! (Yes, i realize the purple pants are different but same sweater. They couldn't design a new/old old lady sweater? Maybe with a freakin marlin on it or some crap? Maybe a holiday sweater. She could stand to celebrate Christmas since she totally ignored Thanksgiving.) How's this chick have a doctor boyfriend and the Hemingway Complex doesn't??!!! So unfair.
Back before the days of the Hemingway Complex (the website), the Hemingway Complex (the author) was searching for some guidance, especially to navigate confusing relationships in this day and age. The Hemingway Complex thought, who better than Mary Worth to give one no-nonsense, morally appropriate advice to deal with booty text messages and ridiulous truth-fearing suitors who don't even have a top sheet? And the answer came on Sunday. In the form of a raincheck and pointless manipulation. A level of relationship mastery to which the Hemingway Complex can only aspire. Guess I should go get dressed now. Maybe I'll dig up whatever I was wearing two days ago and pretend I have other dudes here at the house...